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Everything posted by JennieFoster

  1. JennieFoster


    When Jennie Foster was only four when her family home was burned down in an unknown town raid. After the raid, she walked up the mountains of the high elves. The high elves looked down upon her as she was a snow elf. But soon discovered baby Foster was a half high elf. The high elves hesitantly raised her as their own. Brainwashing her at a young age into beleaving she was born a high elf. She was bullied at a young age as she was not acting or looking like a “normal” high elf. But later in life, a secret combat agency recruited her into becoming an assassin to murder their enemies. After finding out she was the best at combat due to her half-blood. Best in her class, Foster became the top assassin. The agency gave her a peak strength, making her taller while keeping her youthful appearance by making her skin even paler. In order to make her fit in more like the high elves. Foster was an ace at her job until she had failed her first mission age 16, filled with grief she was kicked out of her community and is actively searching for a place where she is able to settle down. Soon after she was abandoned, she realizes that killing the innocent for her previous family felt wrong. Though her High elf appearance and emotional wall in place kept strangers away, make her hard to get along with others extremely difficult. But she has a strong will to find a new family and a new community. It is unclear what adventures Foster will embark on next. But the strong-willed girl will use her many talents and skills to bring down her enemies and protect those who are innocent.
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