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Everything posted by Aristial

  1. Aristial


    Frieg lived a single child life with his parents Arie and Frulgor. They had always given him everything they could to make his life great. He had all of the opportunities given to him to become great. But as Frieg was growing up, he became resentful of being given everything. He became to act out towards his parents and stubbornly disobey everything they wanted him to do. Frieg didn’t mind school, but he learned more from the hands on work in the mines. He became to learn more about the ores and stones, how to work the stone to suit his need. Frieg was more of a loner dwarf amongst the community, he didn’t make friends all to easily. As Frieg grew older, he grew away from his parents and went alone deep in the caves. He would try and pray/talk to Yemekar the maker whenever he had the chance. He always tried to receive his blessing the in the work he did. As the years went on Frieg became lonely and slowly started to come out of his shell. He started to go to the community gatherings and attempt talking to fellow dwarves. Slowly but surely, he started to come out of his shell. Nowadays, Frieg lives amongst his fellow cave dwarves. Looking to serve his patron Yemekar as much as he possibly can.
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