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Everything posted by CripplingMemeAddict

  1. Silfr was born among the rural settlements that dotted the highlands of Haense in relative safety, to his father, Sigfinn, and his mother, Veerukka. He, like any other child, picked his nose and ate it. He, like any other child, was cared for deeply by his parents, and found friendship among many the youth his age. Call it as you like, but Silfr’s upbringing was more or less ordinary. His mother stayed at home, and taught the boy much of what he knew. Reading the teachings of Canonism and the history of the Teutonic Order. Knowing not to eat Elrow Berries or provoke Mammoths. He did not learn about Iatrilemar Elervathar of Haelun’or, nor did he learn about voidal shifting, among a fair amount of other things he didn’t learn. Silfr was his father’s apprentice. A journeyman carpenter to be. His father’s apprenticeship taught him to be a cooper (barrels) and a logbuilder (structures of stacked logs, i.e. log cabin house), alongside small little projects like the haft for a spear used by his town’s levy. Apropos said levy, Silfr was inducted into the training of this levy. He learned to be part of a wall of spears and shields. Common, but effective military tactics he was expected to partake in the event of war or banditry. Rising as a journeyman carpenter, he would come to bid his family goodbye at the age of manhood, and set upon his journey. Donning the brown robes of a Deacon, he is not a Deacon, but he aspired to become one of the novice clergymen, perhaps even one day he might become a priest, or more. Until then, he moved as a modest man of faith, the seeking of learning, and earnest work of living. But, were the time to come, he is, or seeks to be, ready to take up arms for his fellow Mankind, or in the name of the One True God.
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