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  1. RickyPF


    Barrett was born 27 and a half years ago, to an overly protective mother and an absent father. His family resided in a small village, up in the northern mountains of Arcas. At an early age, Barrett’s father, Baldur Mjornsen, was killed by a cave bear while hunting with his local hunting party. As a result of this, his mother Haldra became very protective of Barrett, often keeping him close to her. Barrett never had a proper education, learning all of his skills from local village folk, as well as the odd traveler who passed through his village. As a teenager, Barrett became the apprentice to a local lumberjack, much to his mother’s behest. This apprenticeship helped shaped Barrett to the man he is today. As he grew into his early 20s, his yearning for exploration began to grow. Having been cooped up in his village for his whole life, he left in the middle of the night. Ever since then, he has explored nearly the entire realm of Arcus. His travels have also taught, as struggles with wild animals and bandits have been a regular thing for him. After a few years of adventuring, Barrett returned to his small village once more, after a small extended stay in the Kingdom on Haense, he returned home to his village. Upon returning, he went to the local lumberjack, to speak with the proprietor, the same Lumberjack who gave Barrett his apprenticeship all those years ago. Barrett asked him about how goings-on around the village. The Lumberjack informed him that mother Haldra died a mere two months before Barrett’s arrival. When Barrett asked where she was buried at, the Lumberjack said that her remains were taken to The Cloud Temple. This led Barrett to go on his long trek to the Cloud Temple, starting his journey on the server.
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