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  1. Melodii


    Melody Garnet was born into a little family in the country side , her parents never had a daughter and never wanted one to begin with, they always believed in god and saying that they were gods children. But due to their belief they gave birth to Melody in the small village that they stayed in , with many criticism of their parenting and trying to bring the baby girl to church to get baptised. They couldn't stand the baby anymore , the crying and the whining from the baby they decided to do something at a very important age. Her parents are currently unknown to her all she knew about them was that they devoted themselves to the believe of ‘Lucienism’ and was loyal to the creator and since the child wasn't prepared at a young age she was given to her Grandfather , Alec who lived in the Outskirts of the kingdom called ‘The Kingdom of Haense’ . Alec was always seen as a good father figure to Melody over the years.. He couldn’t teach her simple things such as reading due to the fact that he was blind from getting glass in his eye yet he still taught her the basic things the could remember, such as planting flowers, he also done some work for the kingdom with Melody helping him at the age of 7, and over the years she took over his learning , she didn't really know anything about gods , she knew how to behave in a church due to her grandfather going into one to pray. but other than that she had no clue... As soon as Melody aged 10 , he passed away from old age when he was sleeping at home. It was a devastating day for Melody , she didn’t even have any one to talk to because she was always seen to be a lonely girl who lived with an old man but now she lived alone as she couldn’t pay the taxes she left to go to the country side once more only to find her old house. Even though it was her birth home she still never got to meet her parents but found something valuable such as a red amulet...It called for her so she went and took it and cherished it due to Melody learning to forgive many people despite their bad deeds to her Grandfather. She always remembered how he smiled at her and called her his little moon flower despite him not being able to see her. Before this she had one friend who was her childhood friend, even though she forgotten his name he always was with her and taught her how to protect herself using a sword , however he had to leave since his family was moving.. After he left she was all alone.. All she could remember was her Grandfather, Alec.. She remembered he was a kind man with a very big heart, but there was one thing that Melody was taught as she grew up , she always remembered what her grandfather , Alec told her. “My little moon flower.. Who ever harms you.. Forgive them.. They deserve a second chance..” With that repeating through her head , Melody hardly kept a grudge against any one. She was a kind lady to all those around her. She grew interested with Arcas due to many amazing events and accomplishments they had accomplished , she went over there to say if there's a possibility she could join.. Despite her not being able to read or write she wanted to join no matter what , knowing that she could help other people and befriend others and have many friends she could socialise with.
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