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Everything posted by Stoikko

  1. Stoikko


    Edited response. Thanks.
  2. Stoikko


    Darrius Bronzarch was raised by his parents with the Wood Elves near the city of Laurelin. Generations ago, his family migrated to the city of elves to find work building cabins and smelting fine metals into armor and jewelry. Over time the family name became known within Laurelin as a stamp of fine craftsmanship and a quality building. The wood elves grew to know them well and took the Bronzarch family name with their own. Bronzarch, so often simply called by his last name, spent his childhood exploring the forests and helping his father work building cabins. The mark of a Bronzarch family-built dwelling is so often noted by a simple homely outside look, with an enormous interior given its size by building down into the earth or into a hillside. He studied with the druids but never took to closely with it. When his parents died, he left the wood elves to grow and learn of the vast world he yet did not know. This eventually brought him to Skjoldier where he accrued an incredible amount of wealth building strongholds in the middle line of the continent. Now he has settled down in the mainland to enjoy a simpler life in the woods.
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