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  1. matteo0589


    I grew up in Renatus, peaceful realm with stunning mountain views as far as the eye could reach. I’ll forever remember my fith birthday, my father Beleg, let me join him and my brother on their hunt. He taught me the importance of being able to fenIn md for ones self in the wild. How to defend ones self. I became master of my bow, my arrows always stuck their target. a few years later, in the competitive nature of teen boys, hunting became a competition of sorts. who could bring home the largest catch. My brother and i would skulk in the brush at the foot of the mountains for the entire day just waiting for the right prey. but one late winters evening it found us. we had not seen the amber glow, fast approaching us from the distance. The Amber Wolf had us in his sights before we had a chance to knot our bows. This was the evening i lost my brother. I have never been caught unaware by any beast since. Now, 40 years old. My the hunt is still my passion and my morning routine. everyday, i deliver my catch to my mother Baela. She always manages to work her magic and prepare an amazing meal. Tonight’s meal will be my last for a while. tomorrows routine will be broken when i bid my mother and farther farewell. A new adventure awaits me.
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