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    Ghost Yoda #2367
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    Lyrion, Fist of God
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  1. Lyrion


    Raised by monks in the mountains, Lyrion is a man of God. He was found as a baby lying in the street next to his murdered mother, and was taken in by the compassionate monks. There at the cloud temple, he was taught the philosophies of God, and the ancient history of Aegis that had been passed down. When he was 14 years old his father figure Kanasius was murdered by a troop of dark elves. The monks were defenseless against them but Lyrion brandished a ceremonial greatsword and beheaded 3 elves in one blow. The monks, astonished, praised Lyrion for his bravery, but then forbid him from ever using a weapon again. Behind their back for 2 years, Lyrion became a master of the bow and arrow and would hunt bokolo in the forest for sport. At age 16 a soldier came to his temple looking for new recruits for the King’s army. Lyrion offered to go to fight for his kingdom and people. After many years of military service he has become a soldier who kills in the name of God to preserve humanity. He has a strong compassion for humans, while hating the other races, especially elves. In his spare times he hunts elves with his brothers in arms, seeking revenge on the whole elven race for what they did to his teacher. Master of the sword, a true paladin, Lyrion is a strong leader and ferocious warrior.
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