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Everything posted by StrangeEric

  1. StrangeEric


    Aldrick Arbor was born the only child of a retired ranger, and an herbalist. A Heartlander, and Highlander respectively. The three lived in a small cottage in the woods north of Ves and would spend most of their time working the land. Aldrick was expected to pull his own weight and he would regularly go on hunting trips with his father, and spend time tending to the garden with his mother. As for matters of faith, Aldrick’s father was a believer in the church of Cannon, while his mother was a member of the Red faith. The two would occasionally bicker, though their love for each other and their son would keep things from going too far. As such, Aldrick has a rather complicated view on faith, and has never been entirely decided on what path he wishes to follow. Every so often, the three would travel into the nearby town to trade furs and potions for amenities, and it was only then that Aldrick was really able to interact with anyone other than his parents. For years this was all life was for Aldrick, until his father began to grow ill and his mother frail. He turned to blood money to help pay for his parents care, and would take on bounties and warrants, slaying monster and man alike all the while keeping the method of his earnings hidden from his parents. This went on for a few years and though Aldrick had many close calls, he had managed to do well enough to provide his parents with the care they needed. It wasn’t enough, however, and the first to pass was his father. The death of his father had wracked Aldrick. He was his rock, his source of inspiration and his hero. With him gone Aldrick had lost his anchor, and he dove further into his work to escape. Not too long after, his mother joined his father and Aldrick abandoned the old cottage in an attempt to move on. Now he wanders, taking odd jobs, and collecting bounties.
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