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  • Character Name
    Kaldar Strevar
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  1. Jellal1234


    Kaldar was born in the slums of Avalian, Capital of the Kingdom of Curonia. His mother was a prostitue and his father a blacksmith. He had to survive by stealing bread and coins from the drunks of the place and using a lot of deception to get what he wanted . But he did not like that life, he hated it and he wanted to be like the noblemen of his cities, with those shining armor, those swords so large and his golden wagons that strolled through the city showing off his wealth. Some years later, an old man in his 60s took him by the hand, spoke with his mother and decided that he would be a blacksmith in the city of Helena, Capital of the Orenian Empire. He learned a lot, but he got into a lot of troubles, especially in debts with merchants, since his trading skills were almost non-existent. Young Kaldar learned the rules of being a blacksmith, sword training and metal alloys, including money management in a short time. After that, he was a blacksmith in a nearby shop, but for several problems they had to close. Then he was fired, and he had to go away, and decided to go to Alannor, Capital of the Duchy of Vintas
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