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Everything posted by Kloetee

  1. Kloetee


    How can my definition of Metagaming be incorrect? It is exactly what the page in the forum says. “Using player knowledge my character can't possible possess to further my own gains.” are my words the page in the forum states: “If the player Ailan113 is in a nation discord, and received a PM from one of his friends to get online because "there are raiders in the city", and then Ailan113 got online and ran halfway across the map to help defend his friends, he would be Metagaming because his character wouldn't know the city was being raided, as his character wasn't informed, the player controlling the character was.” Please explain to me how my statement is any different, so that I may understand it better. I have updated my skin, going to update my roleplay response now.
  2. Kloetee


    Amdamir is still a very young Mountaindwarf, originating from a family of Smiths. He is the exception, not following right in the footsteps of his forefathers. He has been trading, haggeling and sometimes swindeling for his own good for as long as he can remember, albeit that not being very long. Someone told him a while back he started doing so as young as 4 years old. Due to his fondness of the trades he’s a worshipper of Armakak. He’s not well accustomed to meeting all kinds of different people, he doesn’t judge on appearance alone, rather on words spoken and movement. One might consider his biggest flaw that he can’t keep his mouth shut, he always has something to say, even if he knows he’s in the wrong he’ll keep at it. He’s the youngest of his family, not destined to inherit anything and although being honourbound to help his oldest brother, the urge to go out into the world to make a name of his own grew stronger with every day, until he finally set out. The past year of his life he’s been traveling all around, barely surviving off of simple trades he’s struck every now and then. After arriving in Urguan a couple days ago he’s given himself another fifteen (15) years to accomplish his goal of making his name known. Otherwise he will be returning to his old life, selling off the armor and weapons crafted by his family. Screenshot of skin: (This is only the 2nd skin I ever created, if you’ve got any suggestions, PLEASE do tell me.)
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