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Everything posted by Arathim

  1. Arathim


    Uzkah was born into the Nation of Krugmar, her fathers name was Orkah, and mothers was Kharzug they were lifemates, unfortunatly Uzkahs mother had passed away during childbirth. Because of this happening Uzkah was blamed for her mothers death, and her father though he was very happy he had a child, he had shut his daughter out and her grandmother Urzoga had raised her. Her father eventually had a son with another mate, his name was Malkus. Uzkahs grandmother taught her the ways of the shaman but unlike other Uruks Uzkah did not want to fight and to go to war, she wanted to explore the world. Even though being trained in combat since the age of three Uzkah wanted to learn to read, write, and speak proper tongues of the land. Uzkah was always a very curious Uruk even at a young age she would try to escape the house, and the heat of the desert but she was always caught by other members of the clan and she was dragged back, her father shunned her for wanting to explore the world always saying something to her about how he thought she would be a great warrior like her mother. This was even harder on the young orc and only made her want to escape even more. Uzkah did not grow up with friends as she had a love for the world and its people, so other Uruks had decided to stay away. Her grandmother had always had a love for the world as well, she had hoped to one day explore the world but had fought in wars and supported her clan, she had decided to give her knowledge to Uzkah so she could live a life that wasnt just about war. By the time Uzkah had turn 17 she had started to devise her plan to go out into the big world though she had to wait for the perfect time. About a year later on her 18th birthday she decided that it was time to leave, she packed her belongings, said her goodbyes to her grandmother, and she left in the middle of the night. She was finally free from judgement, she ran through the sand dunes so pleased, she had never felt so amazing before. She eventually had stumbled into a town just a couple days away from her clan, she was so happy and very excited to see the great big world.
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