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Everything posted by HugeThickStick

  1. HugeThickStick


    Chadrin Darkhammer is a dark dwarf who is rather large compared to his kin, standing at 5 feet in height. He was born in Kal’Tarak, to an innkeeper mother of Frostbeard descent, and a mysterious father who he never met. Due to his unusual appearance, he was shunned by other dwarves of his age. If not for his uncle, Chadrin might have gone down a dark path due to the deep shame he felt during his early years. When he was nine years of age, his uncle Thorgrim Frostbeard returned from his journeys, and essentially became his father figure. He taught the young boy how to mine, how to fight with a ferocity that outdid an orc, and how to become accepted in society. By his teen years, Chadrin had proven himself to have extraordinary natural ability, with potential to become a legendary warrior with age. His mother’s inn was highly successful, and he was naturally spoiled. She gave him much food, allowing him to outgrow his peers and stand out as a giant amongst dwarves. Due to his shunning at an early age, Chadrin has been wary of anyone other than his dear uncle and mother. He has grown up as a loner, and has no friends. Those who once shunned him now fear and respect him. Despite his plight, Chadrin has grand ambitions, one day seeking to become the Under King himself. He plans to prove himself the greatest warrior to ever live, and plans to join the high army to prove his worth amongst soldiers rather than his meager peers. His story is just beginning...
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