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Everything posted by Mr_Sweetheart

  1. Mr_Sweetheart


    Sorry! Just finished this skin. I used a friend’s old skin that he sent me as a place holder before I could make my own from scratch (I just now found the time).
  2. Mr_Sweetheart


    I’m actually already whitelisted on LOTC and have been playing since Petrus was around xD. I haven’t played in awhile, and was hoping to get back into it. The only problem is, I changed my Minecraft username, so the server no longer registers me as a member. It used to be Meat_Bear, and I changed it to a sort of inside joke without realizing LOTC wouldn’t recognize me! I don’t mind completing the application again, but I’d just like to let you know that I’ve been an active member of your lovely RP community for years, and cannot wait to see whats been happening without me! (Sorry for the dark backstory BTW) My character’s mother left the household shortly after his sister was born. His father began to drink, heavily. A few years go by, and his father would begin to partake in disgusting acts of sexual abuse, which would involve serial raping his own underage daughter, and even forcing his son (who would later become Leviticus) to participate in the sick perversion. It was too much, the boy ran one day, and never came back. He’d never get over the guilt he felt; leaving his poor little sister with that monster. Leviticus would begin to use things like Baby’s Brain to try and forget. He wanted so bad to believe that he could be forgiven for what he did. He eventually found his way into the arms of the men of Lorraine. (Fast forward a bit -- Sorry!) One day, he hit his head and claimed that he spoke to God. He claimed to see the flood of fire that would cleanse the lands in preparation for the coming of the Maker. This frightened him, and on that day he became Leviticus Calvet; a prophet. He is insane. The very blow that he believes enlightened him was actually the thing that began to wither his sanity. His mind is damaged, and now he sets off; an insane man who is determined to save everyone. Sometimes even those who don’t want to be saved.
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