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Everything posted by thraulas

  1. thraulas


    I was born 35 years ago, to be exact, it is this day. I was born into a wealthy elven family, I was lucky. I grew up in a beautiful kingdom. Aegrorhothond. A beautiful place. I was happy and curious. Though as I passed the age of 10 I started to grow more curious for the world past our kingdom. What would other species look like and such questions. I was trained as an elf, with i am grateful for until this day, and my parents desperately tried to restrain my thoughts about the other empires. Now Elves live quiet a long life. They grow really old. I still am in training, but i feel ready to explore. I have asked for permission, my parents took it personal, and kicked me out. that happened about 10 years ago. I became eager to serve our kingdom and to train harder than ever to show them I was grateful for what they gave me, I havent heard from them though. ever since... Now as I am older and more wise I trust myself with making the decision to leave and see the rest of this beautiful world. My friends say its stupid, but I will leave. I am old enough... At least I believe so, I think i am ready to face the dangers in this world. I have herd about the lord of the seven skies, And I hope -as i am curious- to find out more. I am convinced my parents never told the whole story, and I am leaving to complete it.
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