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Everything posted by pj_h

  1. pj_h


    I think I added another thing from lore... Not sure if it qualifies enough but if I need more let me know!!
  2. pj_h


    Edited! let me know if I need to fix anything!
  3. pj_h


    Alexei Kasprak (me) was born and raised in Reedsborough, my parents are Gilbert Kasprak (father) and Theodrade Kasprak and we are all halflings. I am the youngest of 3 children, I have two older brothers named Lothar and Rathier. Lothar is a hefty 9 years older while Rathier is 7 years older, we all grew up in Reedsborough with a very happy life with all the things that we wanted, I wouldn't say that we were rich or anything, but we had a steady income and we were not struggling. My parents were quite religious, except they chose to be very careful about who we were religious to, because of the Pumpkin Lord incident. Their parents (my grandparents) were strong believers of the Pumpkin Lord, but when the truth came out they didn't know what to think. Now we just to the occasional religious thing but for the most part we just lived our lives. Everything was happy until I was 13, on one cold winter night we received the news that Gilbert and Theodrade have gotten brutally attacked while walking home from a store, the two halflings were easy victims since they are so short and cannot move that fast, these two were never the same since. After a while Gilbert and Theodrade finally recovered, while the perpetrator got executed. The 3 kids took care of our parents until they were ready to step up into their roles again when I was 15, we stayed in our cozy burrow while we nursed them back to health. My brothers took my fathers jobs on our small farm while my father would sit, watching them and giving them corrections with a pipe in his mouth. I would help my mother with the housework since she still had stab wounds. We lived our lives for two years until the boys decided to move to Aegrothong, inviting me to visit and possibly move their once I was old enough. So for 4 years I saved up all of her money so I could go live with my brothers, however right before I turned 19 I went to visit, and decided I did not like Aergrothond enough to move there, it just didn't seem right, I just did not get the thrill I wanted. So I decided to go adventure for a while, and temporarily live in Dunshire, and that brings you to where I am now, trying to meet new people and have a good life, while still checking on my parents and occasionally visiting my brothers.
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