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  1. Frank_Hallow


    Back when he was just a young child a family had walked by a cave seeing a baby left alone near an old wooden shack. They saw no one was around to take of this child so they decided to take him for their own. They raised him until he turned 18 and at that time he grown depressed and decided to leave the family when he found out he was not theirs to have kept. When he became 26 he ended up walking into the next town to adventure for his new future to come. He knows a lot of challenges will come and hope to find what he is searching for along the way. As a hardworking man from Holy Orenian Empire he always had to work hard among his people. He had to provide food and payment for the construction he did so he had a place to live and provide for the helpless. He might be a depressed man now, but he has always provided help when it is needed no matter the out come of his sneaky ways to steal from the rich and give it to the poor. He was a really handy man where he used to work out in farms to build windmills and boat houses a long with a few shacks a long the way to where he has got today. He just hopes what he finds here is a new future that could relieve him of his rainy days and get back to working hard like he used to do without being caught at times to help himself to feed his hunger when he was to poor to feed himself when he gives away his last piece of bread to those who need it the most. So this is where Frank Hallow age 26 started his new life and adventure to find work where it is needed.
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