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  1. Razem


    Razem is an Adunian male. He was born to the farming village west of Markev. Razem’s parents were deceased, and his grandmother whom he lived with until the age of 16, when she passed refused to tell him anything more than they were traveling. Razem’s grandmother, near the end of her life began to dream heavily of their race’s homeland, telling him what stories she could recall, which was difficult for her as her mind was going and she seemed to occasionally suffer amnesia. These tales sparked Razem’s interest, and he dreams to one day return to the mountains of the north and see the homeland of his people. in order to make ends meet and care for his grandmother, Razem learned smithing from a close neighbor in his village, a Raevir man. Razem apprenticed under him from the age of nine until his grandmother’s passing at 16. Most of his smithing involved the shoeing of horses and the forging or repair of steal tools or more simple tools. Razem also learned to work leather, but his favorite work was one of the last things his teacher introduced him to. The trading of fine horses. Razem’s favorite past time was practicing and foraging with a flimsy hunting bow he traded for. having been inspired to do so by his grandmother’s tales of the Bowie. After his grandmother’s passing, Razem took to the road to make his own living. Working off a fine steed from his now former master, Razem brought it with him to the heart of Haense trading it for profit and continuing to trade until he could afford his own land and settled between Haense and the federation of sutica by the age of 20, in hopes of trading his services to the travelers commuting the long stretch between the two nations.
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