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Everything posted by ShareeVon

  1. ShareeVon


    All fixed. Thank you for your help. ?
  2. ShareeVon


    Okay fixed. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
  3. ShareeVon


    Updated the skin.
  4. ShareeVon


    Emeloneth does not remember most of her early life. Everything before the end is just a blur. After her seed was slain by the Order of the White Rose, Emeloneth took to the woods with nothing but her faith and her bow. For nearly three hundred years Emeloneth was isolated in the woods. Now she has somehow made her way to Arcas. She hopes to find another seed to help her heal from the trauma the Order left her with. Being alone in the woods for so long Emeloneth is a skilled hunter and farmer. Along her journey, she would often observe taverns from afar. Fascinated by the connection mere strangers could have momentarily Emeloneth hopes to learn more about taverns, the guest that reside there, and why they seem so comfortingly familiar. Since the first tavern she saw after the end, Emeloneth has had odd dreams, when she can sleep that is. She knows that these happy dreams are not dreams at all but memories. Memories of her seed. These dreams are nothing like the life she lives now. In her dreams she is happy. Surrounded by friends and family. In her dreams, she is the life of the party. An entertainer for her seed. She had friends and a partner. Her parents were painters. Her little brother a woodworker. She was happy and loved. None of this is who she is now, but maybe that could change. She wants to change. Emeloneth is scared of what the future holds for her, but it cannot be worse than the hurt of her past. With the help of the Mother and the Father, Emeloneth is finally ready to move on and find a family again.
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