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Everything posted by Bob_ThePotat0

  1. Bob_ThePotat0


    Thorin grew up in a simple village, without much excitement or despair. He felt that his life was pointless, as he had read stories upon stories of wizards and swordsmen saving the world and doing good deeds. Frustrated, he began training himself, against his family’s wishes. While his father wanted him to follow in his footsteps as a baker and take over the business, Thorin felt he was meant to be a blacksmith, who sold the greatest weapons to the finest warriors, and armour that not even the sharpest blade could dent. He did not want to continue learning about The Great Collapse and the history of the Elves, which his father rambled on about for hours. So he stopped caring, and paid no mind to his father. One late night, Thorin was found sneaking out after curfew. This was not the first time he was caught doing so, but it would be the last. The morning after, Thorin’s father packed Thorin’s items, and sent him on his way. He swore to kill Thorin if he ever showed his face again near the family. Traumatized and alone, Thorin found himself wandering the wildlands in search for a new home, and decided that fate had spoken. Clearly, he was not meant to follow in his father’s footsteps. This newfound motivation gave him hope, and soon he found himself living a happy life, in a little village, training to become the greatest blacksmith for the finest warriors.
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