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    Warrior Soul#2858
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    Molkor'g el Korig'or
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  1. WarriorSoul


    Born in Kal’Varoth, He lost his parents when he was 5 during a war. He then got raised my his uncle, who trained him to be a solid warrior on the field. He had one and only goal: avenge his parents. By the age of 17 he left, and started his life as a lumberjack, harvesting from the celestial trees near Kal’Varoth. He then meeted Roxanna at the age of 21, his future wife with whom he got 3 boys, Rast’ik, Tazl’el and Grondor’us. When he was 39, He has been offered a deal, which he had no other choice than accepting it : Go to the Three-Month War. He joined the lines, started training with the other Dwarfs. But he has something special that the other dwarfs didn’t had: Talent. He was beating everyone in the duels, no one could handle is strength. But one day, that Dwarf came, the one and only one that could beat him: his elder son, Rast’ik. He trained him so hard to become a warrior, day after day, no rest, that he got stronger than his father. When Molkor’g saw him entering the arena, he got a strange feeling, but a good one: his son is now a man. They fought together during this war against the orc army, they lost hundred thousands of them but they still won that war. By chance, Molkor’g and his son survived. They were leading back to the family house when they saw a fire burning down the forest.. The forest their home was located in. they both started running through the fire and the falling trees trying to reach the house as fast as possible. Once they arrived, all they saw was dead corpses lying on the ground. His son blamed him for this lost, and he never saw him to this day. Apparently, he became a murderer looking to avenge his mother and his 2 brothers. Molkor’g, now a depressive man, run from town to town seeking for a reason to live.
  2. WarriorSoul


    Corrected it yesterday
  3. WarriorSoul


    Born in Kal’Varoth, He lost his parents when he was 5 during a war. He then got raised my his uncle, who trained him to be a solid warrior on the field. He had one and only goal: avenge his parents. By the age of 17 he left, and started his life as a lumberjack, harvesting from the celestial trees near Kal’Varoth. He then meeted Roxanna at the age of 21, his future wife with whom he got 3 boys, Rast’ik, Tazl’el and Grondor’us. When he was 39, He has been offered a deal, which he had no other choice than accepting it : Go to the Three-Month War. He joined the lines, started training with the other Dwarfs. But he has something special that the other dwarfs didn’t had: Talent. He was beating everyone in the duels, no one could handle is strength. But one day, that Dwarf came, the one and only one that could beat him: his elder son, Rast’ik. He trained him so hard to become a warrior, day after day, no rest, that he got stronger than his father. When Molkor’g saw him entering the arena, he got a strange feeling, but a good one: his son is now a man. They fought together during this war against the orc army, they lost hundred thousands of them but they still won that war. By chance, Molkor’g and his son survived. They were leading back to the family house when they saw a fire burning down the forest.. The forest their home was located in. they both started running through the fire and the falling trees trying to reach the house as fast as possible. Once they arrived, all they saw was dead corpses lying on the ground. His son blamed him for this lost, and he never saw him to this day. Apparently, he became a murderer looking to avenge his mother and his 2 brothers. Molkor’g, now a depressive man, run from town to town seeking for a reason to live.
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