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    BB-Salamander #2768
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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Kindle Caladriel
  • Character Race
  1. Lyttro


    Kindle was born in Sutica and he lived there with his family most of his life where his father Noah Caladriel taught him how to handle a sword without cutting himeself and his brother Micarlin Caladriel taught him to use a bow without shooting himself in the foot and at home his mother Alexandria Caladriel taught him basic manners, how to cook and how to take care of himself. when he was younger he went to school in sutica where he met his best friend Valon Kavner, Kindle and valon spent much of there childhood together but when they were 14 valon had to leave sutica with his family and kindle hasent seen him since and he can only assume that they had gone north towards Haense. When kindle was 16 Him and his brother and father were travling to a nearby town hoping to get some trading done when they were attacked by bandits there were four of them his father took 2 and his brother took one while he had to take the other while he wasent a bad swordsman at this point the bandit was still better and he got wounded pretty bad but besides that he killed the bandit by the skin of his teeth and luckily his father and brother killed there bandits around the same time he did and were able to patch him up with some cloth they were hoping to trade after he was bandaged they immediately started back home so his mother could do a better patch job then they did. When they had made it home his mother was beyond shocked he was so wounded and immediately went to patching him up while she was doing this she noticed this and asked what was wrong and he told her that he was shaken that he killed someone and when he said this his mother understood immediately and sat beside him and told him if you hadent killed him he would have killed you and possibly preceded to kill your father or brother you did what you had to is was either you or him, That him feel a bit better and eventually he got over the fact that he had killed someone.
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