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  1. WGLange


    Wilhelm grew up near the old city of Haense, he would be born to a common family and that’s pretty much all there is to his parents. When he had come out of his relatively bland and boring childhood he would be quite tall for his age, which is where he got his passion for duelling and sparring. One day he would meet one of the Guards from the city who was travelling along the roads, he would show interest in his position and asked the guard for any advice. The advice the guard gave would stick with him to the present day, ‘Take one, give two’. This would pretty much be the attitude he approached life with, if you take a punch throw two back, if someone gives you something give them more back, even if it is kindness. After many years of self training he would feel confident enough to venture out, deciding to explore the lands around Haense and the Kingdom. He would meet many passers but nothing much of interest would happen, until recently when he heard that there is a brotherhood in Haense that recruits capable men.
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