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  1. herosarecool123


    This is Qog. He is 6 feet 2 inches. He weighs 423 lbs. (Supposed to have green skin). He wears a mix of leather armor and iron armor. He hates chainmail. He hates the Undead, Iblees, and Minions. He dislikes Necromancers but respects them for the amount of power they wield. He also doesn't like those who horde and keep for themselves. He worships Krug and Vortar. He has no living family at the moment but he is fine with that as he views his clan as his family and happily provides them what they need. He fights with an axe, not a sword. (always found them to breakable) His biggest negative is that he would do anything to avoid being diplomatic seeing as it is a waste of time and that a fight should always settle the issue. He also likes fire a little to much and often sets his hut on fire by accident. He loves pigs and will try to claim all pigs he finds as his own including trading for them or if that doesn't work stealing them. This is the only thing he hordes that he is fine with, and is absolutely bonkers for pigs. Qog was born to a average Orc family. He was raised as an only child as his brother was seen as a week baby and left in the desert to die. His mother is the reason he obsesses over pigs. She has a pet pig that he helped raised and the pigs remind him of her. Qog was his mothers world and grew up on storied of how Krug created life and how Orgon would come and kidnap him if he misbehaved. His father taught him how to use an axe and when he reached manhood his father gave him the axe he still uses to this day. when he was 53 years his father died a warriors death while in his bloodlust. When he was 74 his mother died to a sickness that could of been healed but she preferred to die so she could join her husband in the afterlife. When Qog was younger he tried to court a female he had been friends with, but she fell for a stronger, older orc and since then he hasn't tried again. He however hasn't abandoned the idea that his future wife is out there, he just doesn't actively look for her.
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