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Everything posted by silverAsaiah

  1. silverAsaiah


    Caledor was born in a small farming village near Haelun'or's capital. He lived there with his parents, playing with his friends in the woods surrounding the village. His parents were well-off farmers that provided food for the city. However Caledor wanted more than this life. So he packed his bags to set out to the capital, so he might make something of himself. He said goodbye to his friends in the village, and his parents, before going to set out. Once in the capital, he soon grew bored, and he ventured out to discover the rest of Arcas, soon heading for cities like Helena. He even fought in the War of 2 emperors, where he gained some wealth for himself. However, soon life changed, and with the absence of wars, Caledor just wandered, taking on oddjobs. This is where he is now, finding himself once again between jobs. Who knows where he'll go next?
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