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Everything posted by Julyie

  1. Julyie


    Arden was a very happy girl, living the majority of her youth in Haelunor. She was educated in, and attempted to live by, the High Elven ways of purity and follow them to a T, though over time she began to realise that the things that the High Elven people were praising and practising didn't add up in her mind and conflicted in her heart. Despite this she kept up some form of a facade, smiling as she followed the principles expected of her. As she grew older, her childhood best friend, Ilya, was discovered by the council of Haelunor to have one fifth Wood Elf in her blood, and was publicly executed in an acid pit. This event tipped Arden over the edge, causing her to distrust the institutions responsible for dealing with purity traitors and ultimately renounced her place in Haelunor, fleeing the city and leaving her parents behind. She would explore to Sutica, all the way to the library of dragur as she set along trying to find what fulfils her Arcas. Arden has been exploring the realm since leaving the city and wishes to pursue the study of magic, particularly druidism, to help establish herself as a strong, independent young elf able to prove useful to a cause she believes in, when she discovers where her heart truly lies.
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