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Everything posted by Ryandaso

  1. Ryandaso


    Ourok Bearflesh hailing from the Raguk Clan born to his father Rokmug and his mother Choka. He had many siblings that he doesn’t affiliate with anymore, doing one dishonorable thing and abandoning his family and clan when he came of age, but we will return to that... Ourok was born in 1705 when the descendants arrived at Arcas, his parents settled on the most southern island in the desert. Building a small outpost where Rokmug and Choka bred warriors. Ourok didn’t get along with his twenty other siblings as when he was little he was much smaller than the rest always being picked on or bullied. About his 7th year of age he sprouted in height and weight gaining an advantage, though this also came with hard work and dedication to putting his body through stress by pulling small rocks and eventually boulders across the sand and into the water. 10th year of age, Ourok was now ten years old and already gaining mass, as he trained with his father learning the skills of swinging an axe and charging enemies (rocks). Ourok went up to his eldest sibling who was Garran and 16 years of age to challenge him to a brawl, they both thrashed and pounded on each other as blood flew. Garran then defeated by Ourok gaining a lot of honor towards his father. “You’ll make a fine warrior for the War Nation of Krugmar.” 16th year of age, Ourok visited the great capital San’Strok and learned a little bit about their religion shamanism. Ourok never paid attention as his goals was on war and fighting. Sneaking away from his mother and siblings to watch the brawls. Sometimes taking part in some himself, even if he got beaten to a pulp. When he returned to his home on the edge of the desert where it met the ocean he would spend a lot of time thinking of what else is out there, he only seen one elf and a few humans. Particularly they interested him. 20th year of age, Past adulthood and Ourok was no longer in the desert but traveling through the jungles on the island on his own. An orc with adventure in his heart as he set off to travel the land of Arcas and meet other inhabitants. He never understood the common language but would do gestures as he slowly learned. Eventually making his way to the Free State of Sutica and discovering a diverse kingdom, in awe he walked around the city and traded animal skins with merchants for other goods he needed, meeting what would be a long time friend a goblin named Mucko. 32nd year of age, Ourok and Mucko traveled all around Arcas, Mucko wanted treasure while Ourok wanted bloodshed, it made a perfect match as they slashed through bandits and soon a new adventure would lead Ourok to discover something even more... Mucko was stabbed and died in Ourok’s arms as the bandits let loose several bears on him and Ourok went into a lust of fury and rage. Pounding and chomping down on different bears and bandits, slamming heads together, even tearing one bandit in half. He would douse his skin with their blood, squirting some into his eyes as his eyes now were bloodshot stained. After he released his inner rage he fell to the ground not mourning for the lose of a close friend but honoring his death with the death of the bandit camp. Ourok ripped apart and skinned the dead bears and wore their hide as a trophy and he named himself Ourok Bearflesh, then set onward to discover more in this world... (To be continued in game.)
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