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  1. DanialFires


    Jason grew up in Renatus. In the war of 2 Emperors his father died fighting for Renatus and left his mother utterly heart broken. She cursed mankind's wars and took her own life in sorrow. Jason being an orphan, he took up work as a smith, and was later drafted to fight for Renatus. He would serve for 10 years before leaving. After this Jason moved to his grandparent's care in a small village near the sea side. He learned to fish, hunt, and fight from his uncle, a veteran of the army. He spent most of his time messing around with friends in the village, until someone told him to venture into the Dragur Library where he gained knowledge about the history of the world. Jason would realize his mother was right around this time, and swore to be a pacifist. He seeks to spread his message today!
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