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Everything posted by SirWhatsUp

  1. SirWhatsUp


    Indo Phazri is a dark elf who was abandoned by his parents, given nothing more than a simple kitchen knife and the clothes he had on at the time to survive in the dead marshes. Indo soon figured out what the knife was for after having run-ins with the phantoms haunting the marshes. He doesn't know why he was abandoned, and he doesn't care, he lives by the survival of the fittest and uses stealth and agility to his advantage. He never made any more actions than necessary for a kill, so he didn't need to be strong per se. Indo seeks knowledge of the magic arts, all of them including the forbidden and dark arts. He wants to improve his stealth and agility with a dagger. He has no aspiration and feels no need for one, he kills what tries to kill him and knows nothing more. Having to seek shelter he has learned and adjusted to the proper mannerisms but sees no value in them. He acts engaged and gains the trust he sees useful to himself, he only cares about his own success and couldn’t care less about stepping on others to get there.
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