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  1. vim55


    Clade was drafted into the War of 2 Emperors where he got several scars engraved in his skin from battles. He was known in his battalion to be rogue and disobey orders given to him by his commander, often leading to injuries and putting himself in danger. After the end of the war Clade kept his uniform and blade and started a private militia training academy called Pierspoint. He trained only 1 class of civillians before deciding to abandon the city life for a more rural farm one. Around 12 miles away from Helena, he kept his armor and weapons in a stash but otherwise strayed from the path of violence. He had no family and did not want to get married, so Clade was living a quiet life. However, he has had recent aspirations of started a mercenary company and has thus visited the cities more and more, although his property of Pierspoint was given to another suitor after he failed to pay taxes. He has started out on a new journy to cradle a new generation of warriors.
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