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Everything posted by gomenne

  1. gomenne


    Hello, when would I be able to begin playing?
  2. gomenne


    Fyrezi was born to a reasonably well off family. She and her two siblings were raised comfortably, helping out with the gathering and daily chores. During her young years, Fyrezi’s mother was lost due to an unknown sickness. She attempted to help with many of the chores to lift some of the burden off of her father, though she often ponders now if she gave him too much assistance. Fyrezi’s father met and married another woman who worked as a maid and had a daughter of her own. There were many times in which her father left the chores completely to her due to the new wife requiring help with something or another. This lead Fyrezi to have a deep disdain for those who cannot help themselves. Her mother was buried near the boarder of a great forest. Fyrezi spent a lot of her teenage years resting there, centering herself within the sounds of the trees. Being raised amongst the Holy Orinean Empire, she often doubted much of the teachings she was given. She does not openly denounce the holy beings she is set to worship, however she is often found praying at the base of the large oak near her mothers grave. Once Fyrezi entered her young adult years she became very combative towards her father and his new wife. She spoke out in aggression, regretting the harshness of her words but not their contents. She decided to leave home to seek a life elsewhere, settling on the Kingdom of Curon. Fyrezi now hopes to obtain new friends, a fulfilling lifestyle, and a partner whom she would be able to give her heart to.
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