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  1. Sojboy


    Eldorin was born on the 19th of the Deep Cold. He grew up learning to fight alongside the Elven guards in his village, eventually rising to become their captain. Then one day, the village was attacked by a tribe of orcs along with their shaman. The magic completely burned the town, Eldorin unable to defend the village from the spirits and orcs which destroyed it. Now, he is a lone hunter, seeking redemption from his failure, wandering the realm.
  2. Sojboy


    Born 29th of November in the light of a pearl moon into a respected elven family. I grew up like any other child in my city I learnt to use a bow and arrow and became renowned for my skill. On my 20 moon I joined the hunters of my town and hunted for deer in the woods fo my family and do to this very day.
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