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    Cody the Therapist#2247
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    Cody Steelridge
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  1. Thanks for the Response, i appreciate it i really wanna become a part of Lord of the Craft it looks awesome lol also i edited my application explaining the eye-patch and much more, again thanks.
  2. TheWildCodfish


    Name: Cody Steelridge. DOB: September 2nd. Strengths: Slight knowledge in the Art of Sword fighting. Weaknesses: Not that good at Socializing. Languages: Common. Fears: Dying. Family and Relations: His Father (Deceased) His Mother (Deceased). Backstory: When Cody was first born his birth took place in the City of Sutica however his Parents were from the Imperial City of Helena, After his birth his parents looked upon him with disgust, this isn’t what they wanted.. they discussed why then even had a child in the first place before breaking out into a fight leaving his Father with Cody alone, and his Mother off to pursue her own dreams, His Father never wanted him and eventually ended up leaving Cody in a carriage in the heart of Sutica before leaving himself as well, There Cody was found by an old woman which was a strict believer of The Red Faith, Whilst Cody was growing up she tried to force him into the Religion which ultimately pushed him from it in his later years, When Cody was 16 he’d came home to her and found her laying dead in the middle of the floor a puddle of blood around her, He’d never seen death up so close.. and this made him terrified of it, Cody went into hiding only socializing when he had to, It’s been 5 years since she died and he still stays in Sutica living off the bit of knowledge she left him with, living one day at a time.
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