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Everything posted by orin307

  1. orin307


    Aeverill is a humble man that not many know the story of. He comes from a faraway city-state, Gallia, however he’d prefer not to talk of it. There, he worked as a blacksmith, but due to a ever-raging war with no end in sight, he felt the need to leave. He did not agree with his kingdom waging a war of expansion, and felt guilty for all the armor and weaponry he made for the army when he was a blacksmith. He vowed never to produce a weapon meant for pointless conquest. Aeverill’s father was a blacksmith too, a profession passed down many generations at that point. His parent’s marriage was a marriage of love, not of need. He loved to work with his father in the workshop, learning many techniques that are unknown to Atlas. His childhood was full of education, wanting nothing more than to become a great blacksmith. He had a younger brother. His brother had joined the army, hearing of the great prestige and valor it could bring on the family. Aeverill and his brother grew further apart over the issue of the ongoing war, and after a fierce fight one night in their small living room, Aeverill decided to leave and never come back. He traveled many weeks, looking for a great place to finally settle down again, and he thinks he has finally found it; Atlas.
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