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Everything posted by Kcap

  1. Kcap


    Born into the world as an orphan, Thromaire Charmthius would be adopted by a local farmer in their small village. As young kid he would be considered as an outcast due to his elvish features, this however did not phase or bother him. He was mainly focus on his studies when he was younger, he grew fond of the history of the land , the world’s science and politics. He believes with these three essential elements he has the ability to change things around him. He would eventually set off to become a traveler as he wishes to journey across the main lands to pursue a profession within the said three categories. Thromaire is eager to grow and become a better man as he unravels the history of his kin and hopefully someday to participate in its culture and politics. With these interests he would often visit his local library to acquire basic knowledge of the subjects as he continued to study. Once and awhile he would often imagine of journeying across the land to find new discoveries and amass enough fortune and knowledge. Thromaire has no ill-will towards others, unless he feels the individual is a threat to the life around him and if the individual is a threat to the land. He uses his unknown past as motivation and hope instead of bearing anger and planning vengeance upon anyone. Thromaire knows he can use his acquired knowledge to maintain the order among the great lands and he wishes to symbolize truth and justice, whatever it may take.
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