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  • Character Name
    Rasturim Drigard
  • Character Race
  1. Chronotyrant


    I changed the information and race so that It would work. Does the skin work well? If it doesn’t, is there any race it looks like? I can’t really change it, so I have to find something that works.
  2. Chronotyrant


    Rasturim had a very hard life. when he was born, his entire body wasn’t fully developed, meaning that they had to pay thousands to keep him alive. Other than that, his life as a baby was normal. He lived in the Kingdom of Haense for his entire childhood. When he was a child, he never really liked the idea of hurting people, especially with blades. He never really liked working at the forge where his father worked, or anything connecting to strength, as he thought that this wasn’t needed in the path he wanted to go. After a year of his parents yelling in his ears for him to pray to the norlanders of the red faith, he decided that he wouldn’t believe in it anymore. Near the age of 13, his parents died of old age, leaving him alone for a large majority of his life. After going to a nearby village to earn some gold, he learned the art of bartering from a friendly shopkeeper. Rasturim decided to become a shopkeeper after some time learning from him. He set up a shop in town, selling baked goods and medicine to the people of the city. After a while of people coming through his shop, he learned of magic. He decided to learn about it from a bookstore. Although he likes the idea, he doesn’t have enough time to learn magic.
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