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Posts posted by Osoa

  1. Upon hearing the CRASH, Taurin speed-walks over to the beach, fearing the worst. Once he gets there, however, and sees the Shrimp still intact, he decides to check out the wreckage later and walks away.

  2. Taurin sits down on his bed. The past few months had been rough, but he had promised Sean to be happy. He refused to cry, forced himself to not let a single tear roll down his cheek. He decided that in order to be happy, he has to make people happy, and pledged to do that in the name of his best friend and colleague, Sean.

  3. Taurin sat down at the Spicy docks, his legs hanging over the edge and his toes just touching the water. He didn’t cry, he didn’t sign, he felt one thing and one thing only. Anger. His mind was flooded with memories of Polo, from his initial birth to finding him, skinny, tired, and slightly crazy, underneath a tree near Morsgrad, and he suddenly got up and sprinted towards the Puddlefoot burrow. Taurin wanted revenge.

  4. My Experience with Filibert Applefoot


    [!] A picture of the slippery worm on his way to make another slanderous article!

    Filibert Applefoot is a stain in our community. Not only has he attempted to ruin the reputation of me, he has also attempted to invade other halfling’s privacy. Time and time again he has done shady things that have gone nearly completely unnoticed. This article explains my experience and opinion of the liar and manipulator, Filibert Applefoot.

    Written by Taurin Gardner.



    Point 1: Invasion of Privacy

    In my opinion these are some of Filibert’s scummiest moves. People have a right to their own privacy, but Filibert has constantly released information to the public that has not been approved or allowed by the subjects in question.


    Case One: Isalie’s Pregnancy.

    One of the stories reported in Beetroot News: Volume 3 was titled “The Thain is Pregnant????”, in which Filibert talks about how my Wife may be pregnant. Not only did Filibert title the story with bad intentions (take note of the unconfirmed statement which the title implies is true), the whole article is a complete invasion of Isalie’s privacy. If she denied a statement, that either means that it’s not true or she doesn’t want it to be known yet.

    Case Two: Kit-Kat and Andon’s relationship.

    In Beetroot News: Volume 9, a story was reported titled: “K I S S I N G”, which involves a rumored relationship between the two mentioned. A quick look at the story will reveal the picture to go with the piece, which is an interpretation of what Filibert was seeing. Take note of the post the the left and the two halflings on the right, if this is what Filibert was seeing, then he would of been hiding behind the post in order to spy on them and get that juicy headline that he needs.


    I went to the location depicted in the image and the results were staggeringly similar. The post just so happened to be a gigantic tree, the perfect place for someone to duck down and hide behind.


    I received a letter from Kit giving me permission to write this piece and share a bit of insight on what the couple felt about the situation:

    Kit: “I didn’t really care. Andon wasn’t happy.”

    Me: “So you’re ok with me writing about this?”

    Kit: “Yes. I asked Andon, he didn’t reply.”

    Andon later got back to us.

    Andon: “A ye! I’d b e happ y to t ell you what ev er.”

    This proves that the two were not approached by the man behind Beetroot News and weren’t happy with what they saw.



    Side-Point 2: Unimportant / Irrelevant News

    People seem to assume that just because someone reports on the news that makes them good at it. This is wrong, and Filibert is the perfect example of it.


    In Beetroot News: Volume 2, one of the stories was titled “Hassenfort Burrow Overrun with Sweetberries!”. In this story, he talks less about the actual case and more about what sweetberries are and how little he has seen of the Hassenforts lately. There was only two sentences related to the actual news, which, may I add, is totally useless news that no one needs to know. It’s obvious that Filibert had ran out of ideas here and was searching for anything that he can milk at least 5 sentences out of.


    Another thing of note is in the pages of Beetroot News: Volume 6, where one of the stories “Description of the Korvassa Crater” was present. This, admittedly, is a weaker point, but still proves Filibert is not sure where to go with his newspaper, thus making him a bad journalist. The Beetroot News is categorized as a “Halfling Gossip Newspaper.”, and yet is bringing these very serious subject into it. I think stories like this should be reported in more appropriate forms of media, such as a Government article. Also, he gives no credit to the dwarf mentioned who gave this description, essentially plagiarizing what he said!



    Point 3: Manipulative Content

    Filibert wants you to accept his newspaper, and the best way of doing that is to drill into everyone’s head that HE is the best, that you should read HIS newspaper. This point shows all of Filibert’s attempts to make the reader want more.


    Case 1: First Impressions

    You know the saying “First impressions count.”? We’ve all heard a version of it before, and in truth, they are very important. Filibert has been using first impressions in EVERY single one of his articles, from Volume 1 to Volume 10. Look at the first sentence in each newspaper:



    Better than the rest. Imagine reading these words over and over, you would start to believe them, wouldn’t you?

    Case 2: Praising Himself

    In Volume 7 of Beetroot News there is an article called “Halflings Act Stupid! Am I The Only Sane One Left?”

    First off, the title is obviously meant to glorify himself, implying that he may be ‘The Only Sane One Left’.

    At the second-to-last paragraph in this story we see the quote “I personally think they all have brain damage. We need better mental health services here in Brandybrook to prevent this sort of lunacy, as clearly what we are doing right now is not working.” If you want to show a large group of people that you are the best, that you know what you are talking about, you should show them how stupid they are first.

    Case 3: Final Signature

    Another repeated action is the signature in these newspapers. They always end with “Local halfling know-it-all.”, which is once again spreading the idea that he knows what he is doing, that he is the best.



    Finale: My Response

    Despite calling himself a journalist, Filibert seems to not know what context is. And as he has not given it in his attempt to slander me, let me do it for him.

    I was busy, hard at work, preparing Fort Knox for the inevitable demons when I heard some faint talking coming from outside.

    Filibert: “Yeh wanna go ter Siramenor wif meh?”

    Polo: “Wha's Siramenor?”

    “T'a elves nearby! T'ey 'ave ah village as well!”

    “Oh roigh', oi'm s'ill groun'e. Can', sorreh.”

    “Grounded? Well, oi, ah adul', 'ereby Unground yeh fer t'a toime bein'!”

    By this point I had stepped out of the library and was ready to stop this madness from happening.

    Anne Sunbrook: “As technic'ly-still-Sheriff oi unground ye. Fer now.”

    After this there was a lot of back and forth between everyone, with me saying that Polo is not to leave as there are demons on the loose. Anne then continued to PICK UP my child and take him away with Filibert, who was heavily endorsing and supporting Anne’s uncalled-for actions.

    At this point I was getting quite angry and started to say some things as Filibert jotted them down into his notebook in an attempt to slander me later with no context involved.

    So that’s the context. Anne and Filibert attempting to kidnap my child and take him away without my permission.


    Next, let’s move onto the notebook. I do admit to nabbing it, but only because of the manipulative content Filibert had written in it. He has asked me to return it in his story on me, but the only reason why he wants me to is because I have proof that he has been writing quotes of mine to use against me in the notebook. If you don’t believe me, ask one of the witnesses that Filibert said himself were at the scene. Ask Gillsy, or Anne Sunbrook, or Polo. They should tell you that Filibert kept saying stuff like ‘this story is just getting better and better!’. If it was a normal notebook he could just get another. When he says “so that it will not come back to haunt him later” he doesn’t mean me, he means himself.


    The ‘Anti-Free Speech Remarks’ were not Anti-Free Speech, they were Anti-Slander remarks. All I said was that if Filibert only produces lies, then he shouldn’t be reporting on the news.


    And now, everyone, I present to you, Filibert’s notebook:

    [!] A cut-out and creased page of a notebook is stuck here.


    Now let me explain what these quotes mean.

    1. I was referring to the vote they had done to see whether Polo left or stayed. Obviously the result was for Polo to leave because everyone there was acting like complete brainlets, like the people who trust the Beetroot News.

    2. I was just telling them to go away and leave my son alone.

    3. This is something I said to Filibert after our initial fight, he was probably going to steal it later to defend himself.


    So there it is, My Experience with Filibert Applefoot and My Response to him. If you want the news but don’t want Filibert Applefoot, go read the Brandybrook Times. They seem a lot more fair and moral and reach out to subjects in question before publishing.

  5. [!] A poster would be pinned to the Brandybrook Noticeboard.

    B.O.O.S.E: Brandybrook Order Of Security Enforcement

    [!] The detectives working on their latest case!


    Since the death of Micah, Anne and Deek, me and Sean have felt that not enough is being done to prevent further damage to our community.

    Thus, we set up B.O.O.S.E, an organisation dedicated to investigating, solving, and avenging future incidents.

    Who are we?

    Taurin Gardner: Captain of the Spicy Shrimp, husband to the thain Isalie Gardner.Capture2.thumb.PNG.06635cc895a8de1c0ec38cfb495add5f.PNGCapture.thumb.PNG.0635c7e68290d8bded7e59b4e172a278.PNG


    Sean Puddlefoot: Brother to Gabriel Puddlefoot, tavern keep.


    What should you come to us for?


    • Murder
    • Big thefts
    • Kidnapping
    • Any violent crime

    Should NOT:

    • Lost items
    • Small thefts

    How can I issue an investigation?

    Write the issue on a note and put it through the postbox on 2 River Run, the other side of Dinkle River.


    Find Taurin and / or Sean in Brandybrook, we’ll always be happy to help!

    Remember that not every case has enough leads to be solved, but if there is a lead, me and Sean will always investigate it to the fullest extend.

    [!] The poster ends with the official seal of Brandybrook!



  6. Taurin, upon seeing the body, would stumble backwards on the sand, landing with a loud thud. Very quickly, he’d get up and run to his burrow. There’d he’d sit, collecting his thoughts, before his letter arrived. As he read through the letter, he would feel the prick of tears, although he’d smile at the advice given. He’d sit there for a while, in the faint light of the fading sun. Soon he’d put the letter down, wipe the remaining tears away and stand up. ”This can’t happen again.” He’d leave the burrow and make for the tavern. ”I won’t let it.”

  7. Players/Group Requesting: Spicy Shrimp Crew.


    What kind of Event are you looking for?: An event in which our ship goes sailing, but as we’re doing it, a ghost ship, full of ghost pirates arrive out of thin air and try to attack us and steal stuff.


    Approximately, what time/date you want the Event to take place?: Sunday 19th April, 3pm EST would be great, but a later date will work. The ship is docked in Brandybrook.


    Organizer's Discord: DitDit#7892

  8. [!] Posters would be scattered around Brandybrook and beyond.

    The Spicy Shrimp is recruiting!


    -=Our crew at the wheel of the Shrimp!=-

    You heard me right! We are sailing the seas once again! Our goal is to search every nook and cranny, every stone and pebble, and every bottle o’ booze throughout the realm of Arcas. Think you’re up to it?

    Who’s in the crew? iWwDBm1.png

    • Taurin Leafwalker (me!) – Captain.
    • Deek Driftwood – Quatermaster.
    • Isalie Gardner – Medic.
    • Father Jago Brownfolk – Musician.
    • Pervinca Driftwood – Booze supplier.

    MzCtwwp.pngWhat’s the ship like?

    The Spicy Shrimp has many features that make it great! Included in the ship are beds for the crew, a kitchen, a sick bay, ballistae and of course, barrels of booze for all forms of celebrations!




    Sign up for the Spicy Shrimp today! You know you want to!


    ((OOC: Shrimp Discord: https://discord.gg/Fj8wJQt))

  9. [!] A poster would be pinned to the Brandybrook noticeboard.



    [!] An illustration of the ship, it seems old.


    Lo all!

    The Shrimp is still in Sutica, but that doesn’t mean that the crew can’t meet up! If you are in the crew, would like to join the crew, or just want to drink booze and socialise, make sure you show up at the Toady Traveller as the elven week ends!

    Taurin Leafwalker, Captain of the Spicy Shrimp


    What: A gathering of the Shrimp’s crew, anyone who’d like to join, or anyone who’d like to drink and socialise.

    Where: The Toady Traveller, Brandybrook, right next to Aegrothond.

    When: Towards the end of the elven week. ((Saturday 21st, 4pm EST, 8pm GMT))

    ((OOC: Obviously I understand that some people may not be able to show up due to recent events, and that’s completely fine. If so, please drop me a DM. Love you guys ❤️))

  10. Spoiler


    [!] A wanted poster is scattered all over Brandybrook

    Name(s) Wanted!

    After a long and tiresome investigation, me (Taurin Leafwalker), Deek Driftwood and Honour Rackham have finally deduced who stole the ship (with maybe a little help from a genie). So – the ship was found in Sutican waters and me and Deek had a discussion about what we could do. He put me in contact with Honour, who is the harbormaster for Sutica, but she said no one came to her for permission. We searched the ship and found no clues. T’was nice to be back on it though! This means the thieves were most likely located in Sutica or close to it. After a long time with no more leads, I went to the annual drinking night because I was very tired from all the investigation and I like alcohol. But then SHAZAM! A cup thing that had earlier been bouncing around and making music exploded and out came a huge genie thing! He said stuff about him being stuck in there for a long time and the cosmos were collapsing but that doesn’t sound too bad, right? He gave us all one wish, but many who wished had a terrible fate bestowed upon them. (We’ll sort you out Glinda, don’t worry!). I wished to be told who stole the Spicy Shrimp, and he told me this:



    So – if anyone has any idea who the Head of the Uialben Family is, or who the Preistess of Renalia is, or who the daughter is, or if they are all the same person, please leave a note on this poster. The Spicy Shrimp will be coming home soon, don’t worry. (( I’m thinking Thursday? DM me thoughts.))


    Thanks – Taurin Leafwalker.

  11. Taurin, still slightly paralysed from his encounter with the demonic monster, looked out to sea, smiling a happy smile, but fearful of where the eel had come from and why it wanted to attack the halflings. The thought of a group of them made him angry.

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