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Everything posted by raid1us

  1. raid1us


    i tried to edit it the best i could with what u asked
  2. raid1us


    He's quick, innocent, athletic and perhaps a little too pompous. Which isn't out of the ordinary for someone with his position. He was born in a loving family in a wealthy community of HeartLanders. He lived out of trouble until he was about 11 years old, but at that point life began to change. He explored the country and was among the most popular people. With a great deal of determination, he reached the top in a fantasy world. But with his cunning and compassion, there's nothing to stop him from staying ahead of the game. He could quickly become an ally you'd want by your side. But who really knows what will happen; he is currently still finding the right place in the world. He feels like there's more than what we get to know in this world. Luckily he has plenty of resources to support him.
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