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Posts posted by MC_Celina

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Aywinn Ibarellan


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Fire Evocation


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Fire evocation takes up one magic slot, it's one of the elemental voidal magics (Along with water, air, etc.). With fire evocation you're able to conjure up flames from the void and manipulate said flames. Though something very important to add is that; to be able to cast you need a line of sight.

    You're able to use it as an offensive magic as well as defensively. Fire evocation is quite destructive and when used without proper caution the flames could spread to unintended places. Even though it's a destructive magic it can also be used to help like cauterize wounds. 



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There aren't specific subsections but there are two that are able to enhance the users fire so I'll just list those I suppose; 


    Blue fire: this allows the user to manipulate the heat of their flames and so also the intensity of their spells, making them more powerful than usual. The user does have to indicate said modification, even if it's as noticeable as blue flames. Due to the heat difference between blue and red fire, blue fire only needs two emotes of exposure to become lethal to the person the mage is casting against instead of about 4 emotes with regulair fire.  


    Combustion: this allows the user to once again manipulate the intensity of certain spells like fire projectile. To make said spell an projectile it would add 1 emote to the emote count, and as said before there has to be an indication of the modification. It's also able to knock someone backwards with its explosive force, making it dangerous and an offensive spell. Combustion is unable to have any solidness to it, it is only able to explode. Also important to note: only a T5 fire mage is able to use combustion. 


    You are unable to combine the two.




    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Aywinn sat in her kitchen, reading a book when she noticed the temperature slowly drop- the fireplace started to die. She let out a deep exhale, as the exhale went on purple adorned black mana started to pour out of her palms.


    As Aywinn held up her hand, palm facing up as she stared at it. Soon little black and purple embers started to form just above her palm, slowly growing into flickering flames as the Ibarellan stood up and walked over to the fireplace. 


    As the elves reached the dying fireplace she squatted down, adding a few new logs with her free hand. Aywinn flicked her hand with conjured flames, said flames connecting to the pieces of wood and starting to burn.



    (Tldr; Aywinn has voidal mutations so that's why she has purple and black flames as well as mana)



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Aywinn and her newly acquired student sat at a table within the Celian walls, a faint smile playing on her face "Alright, so- today we'll start with the most basic of the basic; conjure fire" The Ibarellan announced, doing little jazz hands as purple adorned mist started to flow out of her hands


    The elves let out a soft chuckle as she rested her elbow on top of the table, her palm facing upwards as black and purple embers started to form within her palm "So, for me this is super easy- but that is purely because i have many years of practice under my belt." The Ibarellan shrugged, glancing over the flame over to her student "Focus your mana into your palm, imagine the embers taking form. Within your mind"

    As the embers grew into flames within the elves' hand, it started to take form. The black and purple flames morphed into a small little phoenix, it flew around the mages' hand. "With enough practice you'll be able to create almost anything with this simple spell. Fireworks, figures, you name it!" The Ibarellan smiled at her student as she flicked her hand- the phoenix doing a wrap around her student's head. 



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I would give them 3 warnings in total, the first one I will just inform them what and how they did something wrong, the second one I will inform them that if it happens again I will drop them from magic and the 3rd I would drop them along with an explanation with why and all the chances i gave them.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  2. Zielle Va'eylul walked past a poster in Lurin... taking a few steps back to look at it better- a gasp escaping her mouth before she covered it "...Aher?!" The elfess mumbled before going to look around for her niece

  3. [!] This missive can be found all around Lurin.






    A new Owl spreads its wings

    Published 5th of Amber Cold, 144 SA.


    While adoption have been the rare expectation within the Ibarellan Talonnii, it has happened before. Such has my haelun decreed, that A’oejella may take her name for her great services to Celia’nor. And so I wish to announce that due to her integral role in raising Raziel from the age of six, his unwavering dedication to preserving our legacy, it is fitting that an elf who has fought for our family's honor throughout his entire life now bears our name - as my son.


    ilMaehr’sae ilkun’ehya: Raziel Ibarellan.






    A stamp of the Redfist logo can be seen on the missive hung all around Almaris


    A while ago I had found an old diary of my grandmother, it turns out she was the clan mother of the clan Redfist. She had taken her own life before she could achieve anything great and so I am taking it upon myself, Calliope Redfist-Carma. To resurrect the Redfists in honor of my heritage.


    To any Redfists that remain wandering Almaris, I hereby invite you to come visit me in Lurin. I shall await your arrival.


    Long live the Redfists!



    Finally, a post. I was kind of debating on making one but ya know 🤷‍♀️. I can't wait to bring the Redfists back! They were my save space back in Sutica and even after, I'll do my best to make the Fist great once more. 


  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Fire Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  6. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    animal cross - YouTube


    A more detailed sketch of three little panda/racoon bears


    I am so sorry all, i was out of my mind when i made my last missive... What i wanted to tell the public is that-


    It had to be told, the fair citizens of Celia'nor should've known...


    PS. We will haunt your dreams if you do not give us taters <3


    Signed Aywinn, The Racoon Bear


  7. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Regarding Valyris



    A quickly drawn picture of Valyris with a lizard body!


    I, Aywinn am now forced to come out with the truth about Valyris... SHE IS A VILE CREATURE, SHE CAN TRANSFORM INTO A LIZARD AT WILL. I've seen it happen right infront of my eyes! Do not trust her, if you see her walking around.. be causious- for your safety and of your families for when she has had a taste of your blood. 



    I could not keep this a secret anymore.


    Signed by Aywinn



  8. Rosalie Sapphirus scanned the paper within a few seconds. After having read the note she slowly nodded and a smile began forming on her face "I could possibly make new friends there! It does seem like a nice place" The Young woman said before walking out of the city

  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Coral Redfist-Carma


    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Coral Redfist-Carma


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    When someone passes, their soul finds itself in the Elysian wastes, a bridge between the realm of the living and the soul stream. Those who don't wish to pass on and stay there, these souls are known as Stagnant spirits. Souls who decide to give up are washed down the Soul stream and sent through Ebrietaes, they then make their way to the golden Relative centre. After this, they are sent to their afterlives. Occasionally, a soul doesn't make it to the golden Relative centre, this is because of the intervention of the Caretaker Aeriel, the corrupt souls are barred from their eternal rest due to the actions of their life.

    A few souls don't move on so easily. This could be for a variety reasons, whether it be from gruesome death, an unbreakable grudge or absolute will, these souls can come back not long after they died as a spirit called a Revenant. This is an infant form of a ghost/spirit. When a Revenant comes to terms that they are dead, they can take it one of two ways, they either accept it with open arms and become a white ghost, or be filled with insanity and chaos and become a black ghost. Phantoms have always existed in some shape or form. 


    All ghosts/sprits are made up of something called Ectoplasm, this substance is a mixture of Mana and Life force. This lets phantoms take on all sorts of forms. The way this works is that it can be controlled by the phantom by the pure force of their will, this lets them be able to do things such as telekinesis and taking on an animal form. Ectoplasm is unable to come into contact with physical items and materials so if a ghost comes in contact with a physical item it will drop to the ground through their hands. Since phantoms don't have living bodies, they have no need for the usual requirements a living person needs.

    They also don't bleed and any injury they suffer from can be regenerated over time.


    A phantom is resistant to most attacks, for example: if someone where to slash them with their Ferrum longsword nothing would happen and it would just pass through the entity but if that ferrum were to be replaced by Aurum, the phantom would take the hit as any living/mortal human would. This is because Aurum can conduct Life force, a part of Ectoplasm. Something else that can hurt phantoms is voidal magics, if a phantom would be attacked with a sword with a enchantment on it, i would hit just as a Aurum blade would. This is because it uses mana, a part of Ecoplasm.


    When a phantom demanifests, they would get banished from that realm but can come back when their Ecoplasm has been replenshed over time. If this happens more than a few times their spirit could become destabilized. 


    When a phantom finds out it is dead, they tend to suffer metally. They all suffer from depression and do not like to communicate with people, this is because their core is so lost in the world they used to live in but now it looks so different to them. The mental illnesses can be more or less, depending on their mental state, different phantoms can suffer from different illnesses.


    Revenants are grey spirits, these are 'baby' ghosts or ghosts who have become a ghost not too long ago. They are most likely confused, unable to come to terms with their death yet since they were alive not too long ago. They apear as if they died while being alive but then foggy and transparent. They usualy have things to show how they died but mostly they are unnoticable.

    Poltergeists are black spirits, revenants who were driven mad by their death. They are violent, insane, unprodictable spirits who have been obsorbed by the news of their demise. Poltergeists don't act as their living selfs, absolutly no similarity at all. They are gruesome and twisted entities that are coloured in shades of red and black, their voices ranging from a horrific scream to a sadistic whisper.

    Spectres are white spirits, Revenants who have come to terms with their death and have accepted it fully. The acceptance makes it so that the spectres have a soft kindness to them. Spectres are almost the same as their mortal self, showing so signs of how they died at all. They are often colored in light shades and their voices pleasant to listen to and peacefull.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Coral is a 6 feet tall woman who did not want to suffer anymore but her soul could not let go of her life and so ended up as a Revenant. Coral's ectoplasm has a pastel/faint green tint to it. She could be seen wearing her classic Coral outfit she has died in and her hair seems a bit messed up. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand :)


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  10. There Coral stood, on the cliff where she came every sleepless night. The moonlight shining on her what seemed to be glowing white hair, it flowing with the cold wind. As the woman opened her eyes to look at the stars one last time, memories flooding her mind. The good memories, and the bad. Tears began running down Coral's cheeks, she could no longer support the clan she dedicated her whole life to nor support the children she loved so much anymore. 


    The voices in Coral's mind grew stronger at every second of silence she was absorbing. "You're just going to leave your children like this? How pathetic." "You can't just leave your dogs!" "But what about love!? You wanted to find it so bad..." "One more step and you're falling to your death... Do it, you have nothing to live for anyways." Coral tried her best to keep the voices at bay but they were getting stronger while she was getting weaker. The clan mother took a deep breath and adjusted her gaze to the huge drop infront of her. "Tha gaol agam ort Hane" Coral said calmly as she slowly moved her foot off the cliff before her body followed.


    Falling to her death.





    Coral had such an amazing life in the 1 and a half year i've been playing her. I've never shelved her and let's just say- That never happens with me xD

    Thank you to everyone that I met while playing her <3


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