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Posts posted by Glade

  1. 3 minutes ago, Jentos said:

    dont care didn’t ask I don’t use the void I beckon gnostic horrors with my brass holy bell into sorcerio’s flesh


    chad phil-write enjoyers will know his lore is the best, compared to that petty redditor ethan!

    The void is the eternal and singular enemy, and all upcoming lore should acknowledge it as such; the contrary of existence, the glass gift of nothing. 


  2. 2 minutes ago, CaesarTheFirst said:

    Phil’s by a long shot. Mages should not be clad in full plate. The point of the Void prior to lore games reforms was that it was a more dark-leaning corruptive force even though Magi wouldn’t necessarily employ it or see it as such. By going with Tox’s Weakness lore, there has been a huge inconsistency in the new criteria regarding iron disrupting casting which makes zero sense, I don’t care if it’s just balancing.


    That being said, I think Phil’s lore should be reimplemented and adjusted. State that Voidal Mages cannot swing weapons while CASTING to shave off the old days of spellsword abuse (unless specifically stated otherwise in lore) and give Magi the ability to wear amounts of plate armor, such as half plate, chain mail, etc. It’s very box-buildy to retcon it into draining stamina when the entire point was that the Void granted you power based on the depletion of your physical form.

    My argument is this: Your username is literally “MinmaxedMage”.
    Though to be fair, Min-maxing is a natural part of the human psyche.

    If were going to go into battle, were not going to pick and choose what we want.. We will attempt to fill a niche to the best we can so as to gain a competitive advantage over others.

  3. Of the two I like Toxcats the best, though that is entirely based on the lore itself, I have not actually rped with voidal magics yet.

    After role-playing with voidal magics, I am starting to lean towards this lore a bit more. I do not know if this is the fix to voidal magic lore's issues, yet it might be a step in the right direction.

  4. I do not know the full scope of the situation so I can not give an informed opinion. But Taking everything said as true, I feel for you. I hate to hear somebody get punished for a mistake, that evidently did not harm anybodies experience. Either way, best of luck on whatever you decide to do!

  5. Aeron Valaker; A hand encased in silk clasps tightly around the missive crumbling the delicate paper. “I warned them.. YET THEY DID NOT LISTEN” he slams his clasped fist onto the table of his man cave. “AAAGHH” he roars out in pain, grasping his fist “I SWEAR!!! ITS all, ITS ALL, The fault of the impures... YES THATS IT!! Impures have tainted us AAAAHHH.” The elf rose his thin crooked frame from his seat, beginning to pace across his room, focused solely on his hatred. The elf’s extremely pale features were if viewed in the light quite unpleasant, not only where the scowled in extreme hatred, but the lack of light had caused him to appear like a phantom.


  6. On 9/12/2020 at 12:01 PM, Aesopian said:

    I preferred when these were powerful enough to lift cities into the sky and summon giant invincible shields, honestly. 

    Honestly.. The wackier things are the better in my opinion.. but players will be players, and staff will be staff.. So all that we can do is role-play human.

  7. MC Name: SriFoo

    Character's Name: Peddler

    Character's Age: 128


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):

             Wood Elf


    Transformed form:

             Phantom (REVENANT)


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Mauled by the fangs of a Strigae, the Peddler’s due long coming. Born to the streets, worn by years deceitful. The con mans fate, long coming. Conned of his life the Elves soul did not rest. As he stepped upon the bridge incorporeal, the screams of the dead were most evident. Perhaps due to the unexpectedness of such a demise, or simply due to fear of the unknown. The cold clasp of death slowly waned. And thus the Peddler would return to the realm familiar. Yet what good is a shriveled, harvested, corpse be? Thus due to the quirks inherent to the soul made by the creator, so mysterious, the being would emerge a revenant.


    For roughly a year, it is hardly a science, the Peddler would wander in bemusement. As “returning” from death was griping to say the least, and the effects of undeath unavoidable. After he realizes the state that he is in, the man’s fate may flow down one of 3 straits; Into the lake of acceptance where the man will become a specter, a being who has come to terms. Down the endlessly churning river of fixation where he will become a Graven, who cares not of his fate his obsession absolute. Or into the raging seas of denial where he will become a poltergeist, a being who’s anger over the truth has lead them to become malicious and unsavory.

    (next page, for indepth information on types of phantom.)


    Phantoms are differentiated into four sub-types namely; The Revenant (2015),  Revenants, Poltergeists, Specters, and Gravens. All of them show signs of mental illness and trauma, though Poltergeists being the most evident, and Specters the least (excluding Gravens, as their issues are situational). Poltergeists are able to become Specters rarely through acceptance (though this is likely very difficult and requires external help.) Specters can become Poltergeists if certain events align, caused by a 180-degree shift in mentally (however that would occur, I am not entirely certain). Graven's ounce set in place can not change into any other sub-type as their stubbornness would not allow it. Phantoms of all types are weak to Aurum (Gold and the like), Voidal Magic (and example would be an enchanted sword), Holy Powers (such as Xan), and Shamanic Energy. If a Phantom demanifests (when they get mortally wounded like a human would with the aforementioned weaknesses)they will take 1 ooc day to reform (3 ooc days to reform in the case of Revenants due to being un-customed to there new reality, and then across the board) and then 1 week to reform after 3 deaths. “Demanifestation by suicide, a Shaman’s Kor’s Blessing, Paladin Purging, or Mystic Banishment also results in a PK. All of these require OOC consent, otherwise simply resulting in temporary demanifestation in line with a typical ‘death’.” – Original Lore Post (feel its redundant to copy it in my own words)


    Revenants are the result of a dead soul returning back to the realm of the living for one reason or another. They appear similar to they did in life except for the fact that they fade in and out of existence as they do not have control over there reality. Their voice is faded and distant, their cause of death is visible (though more subtle than a poltergeist), and they appear grayscale and uncertain similar to a mirage. The mental state of a Revenant is that of confusion and sadness. The bleak reality that they have trouble grasping causes them to try reliving there past, seek out there cause of death, along with many other methods that come about naturally in seek of coming to terms with what happened.


    Poltergeists are the result of a Revenant who have denied their new reality. They become the personification of there worst traits, causing them to oftentimes exhibit violence and unhingedness. They appear like predatory versions of there past selves, who’s denial of there trauma and demise cause there forms to be warped by the very things. Their eyes are usually malice filled, their frame ethereal with reddish, aggressive hues. Their mentality is that of depression and illness.


    Specter are the result of a Revenant or Poltergeist (though rare) coming to terms with there reality and accept there trauma. For this reason, their bodies will exhibit no evidence of there cause of death, the only difference being that their eyes are devoid of pupils or irises, and their bodies are transparent in shades of blue, yellow, or simply white. Their mentality is still sorrowful but in a peaceful way. It is like coming to terms with the death of a close relative, being filled with sorrowful for there departure yet still collected and in fact a nostalgic way, it is like that but for yourself. Specters can leave peacefully from the mortal plane as they have accepted their reality and are ready to move on if they so choose.

    Graven (the one which I favor) is the result of a Revenant becoming single-minded focused on a single goal or task. Due to this stubborn focus their bodies will be more closely bound to reality, giving them a near-corporeal body, which is able to interact with the physical world. They appear like they did in life except for being semi-
    translucent and in shades of gray, or hues of either green of purple. There mentality is of single minded focus and drive.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Revenant example; my persona would have deep bite marks visible on his neck when visible. He would flicker in and out of corporeality due to be inexperience in the realm of the phantasmal. He would look like he came out of a gray-scale movie, except one would be able to peer directly through him as if he was just a distortion in the light.

    Specter’s example; my persona if he becomes one will look like himself at his “peak” in well put together clothes. His body would flicker slightly like light except it would be much more stable than the earlier counter part, glowing a faintly in hues of white, yet the colors of his skin and clothing still visible if not washed out. Basically looking like he did in life except for the fact that no iris or pupils exist on the eyes.


    Poltergeist’s example; my persona would appear like a shady salesman, his appearance warped and fowl, a cruel satire of his living self. Dark malicious eyes, haunted sunken features, crooked sharp teeth, and a evidently gaping hole on his neck where the Strigae tore a large section of it away at death (an effigy of blood pouring from it).

    Gravens example my persona would look to be like what he was in life, except for having gray fog like effigy of skin. His eyes white with no iris, or pupil.




    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  8. A thill rises from his seat, before finding his way to the stage. “My question is to you llirn!” Aeron states promtly “How can we wish to have an economy if the currency we use is not one that can be expertly managed by fine thill minds? My proposal is that we open up the Silver Bank. A bank which would become the center of affairs for the economy. That bank would begin printing PAPER money. I have long been fascinated by the idea thus I wish to begin work on such a concept.” he clears his throat “My idea here is as such; the Bank of Silver would allow for loans, these loans would work in such a way that one could take out say gain a 5 thousand currency loan. When one has obtained there loan which would be represented by a slip of paper which is carefully stamped so as to pervert forgery could than be used as form of currency. Than the person would have to repay that 5,000 mina worth of currency over a certain period of time along with an additionally amount of money depending on amount of money and time in which it would be payed off. With such a method Healun’or could begin printing its own money which could be used for government projects or guilds.he than began strolling back to his seat, just before he stepped off he added “Questions I am happy to take.”


    The scrawny elf meanders towards the spot of speaking. He clears his thought silently as if gathering his thoughts. The Thill was still somewhat confused himself, as going up had been an impulse. He truly just needed to speak his mind, as all people had to do from time to time. He gestured towards the crowd and stated somewhat meekly  “What is power?” As he stated his introductory question his stiff body suddenly relaxed as he found a new pool of confidence. “I have asked myself, such a question for quite some time now. I have wandered through the various descendant races respective nations. In conclusion to these journeys, and much research in the past decade, I have realized an important truth. That power is that which is striven for, it is that which wishes to maintain itself. If there is a god absolute, if such an infinite were obtainable, they would wish to keep that power indefinitely. Just as a man who became king would wish to stay king.”




    After taking a few moments to deeply inhale and exhale, the elf stated “Why does a king wish to keep his subjects happy. This is not due to any obligation or duty, if a king believes himself to be righteous it is simply an illusion he has cast upon himself. Why a king keeps his subjects happy is simple as follows; his subjects can revolt. Yet at the very same time, the subjects of a king are often unhappy. This is for a simple reason namely; that the nobles must also be kept happy. Leadership in itself can not be obtained by a singular person. A king only has as much power as his vassals allow. Thus he must keep those knights and nobles in a state of contentedness else they will revolt. Now you may ask, what a few fat men of luxury could contend with the masses of strong able-bodied workers. The answer is surprisingly simple as well, the people do not have the resources or even the will to overthrow there king. The lower class, the uneducated, are inherently weak not physically but of mind. It takes an understanding of complex systems of the world to actually start a rebellion after all”




    “One could simply put it as such that; people are divided into three subcategories; those that are in the high class, who have all they could ever desire, wish to maintain power, while those in the middle classes who are content with there lives yet still long for more due to there knowledge of more will wish to overthrow those of higher standing and become that higher class, while those of low standing the common worker and such will wish to survive. For that reason a king should be focused on maintaining the happiness of the nobles and merchants above all else.” he gestured to those present with a smile “Elves particularly high elves are in a unique position. We are not numerous in any stretch of the word, yet we live lives of stagnation and luxury. Sure we read and stay healthy... yet are we progressing. I feel personally that is not the case. The reason for this I believe is power. Power wants to stay in power. When one is given a life of comfort they would never seek to lose it! That is why we do not progress boldly onward. We stay locked behind a massive wall enjoying comfort while around us content war unfolds.”




    “Now personally, I wish for reality to stay this way” he demonstrated his fine silk coat “I am personally quite fond of the fine life. In-fact I am certain we all are. Having a fine life a comfortable one does not necessarily mean we have to fall into stagnation.” he paused before trailing off-topic slightly as he seemed to have a thought “Innovation comes from discomfort, that is certainly a fact. Just as a person who is wounded will seek to have there wound mended, when a man had a stone in their sandal they would seek to remove it. Even if comparatively an injury and a stone in your shoe are on entirely different levels, people will seek to solve discomforts and pains just at different levels of severity. Now an innovator will find the root cause of an issue and seek to change it. For example; the man who’s sandal small stones continue to become lodged within could innovate due to this discomfort and invent the boot, by closing up the holes within it.“




    As if pleased the elf returned to his main train of thought, after taking a somewhat lengthy pause. “Now venerable brothers and sisters of thill I ask you, how can we continue to reach for progress. You see that paradox yes? The further we attempt to innovate the further we will get towards a discomfort less society, and thus innovation will slow due to its very nature. The other way for maintaining innovation is related to the intrinsic nature of power. If power wishes to maintain itself it will attempt to innovate in ways that it could continue to maintain itself.” he sighed “I find this very important due to the fact that an immensely powerful thing now resides in the facility of our city, hence why we are at the mercy of a powerful beast. Yet I do not fault it for it is for survival, discomfort leads to innovation or it leads to subjugation. The only way to not be at the mercy of others it to innovate and to progress. Since innovation follows power, and because power is linked to money it is logical that if one were to manage money to a fine degree innovation could occur at a faster rate.”


    “My final goal with this is to state. If we truly wish to reach a state of perfection we must understand ourselves and others, and see that we want POWER. Ounce we acknowledge our craving we will attempt to reach that goal. The only reason I wish to become a leader is not due to pride for my people, though that is certainly there. The truth is I wish for power, and I know to gain that power I must offer something in return. Therefore I am announcing my running for the position of Okarir’nor. A position which i will use to attempt to increase the efficiency of our people and to allow for innovation to occur. Ahernan mali’thilnn” He lowered his head in mock bow before joining back with the crowd

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