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Everything posted by Calusa

  1. Calusa


    Alexandros Calusius was born in Lareh'thilln, Haelun’or to a well-off family. Alexandros’ father, Creusius Aegnor Calusius, was a soldier in the army and served in the War of the Two Emperors on the Renatian side and his mother, Vera Mae’olor, was a homemaker that sold wares and jewellery part time. His family generally lived a stable and plentiful existence. Alexandros’ father was frequently absent from the household due to his military duties. This created a rift between Alexandros and his father and contributed to future conflicts. Alexandros began his studies at the age of 6 when his mother hired a tutor by the name of Legolas Percaptor. Legolas remained Alexandros’ tutor until Alexandros turned 15 years of age. He educated him in the arts, natural sciences, philosophy, theology, politics/affairs of the state, and history. Legolas had a major influence in the development of Alexandros’ philosophical and political viewpoints. The relationship between them remained very close up until the death of Legolas. At Legolas’ funeral, Alexandros spoke, “Today is not a day of mourning, instead today is just the fulfilment of a natural part of life, the great inevitability. He does not feel anything, and that is a reason to celebrate. Legolas has moved on from our turbulent world, he no longer suffers; instead, his body now returns to the Earth and supplies the soil with nutrients that shall help other life develop and sustain itself...The greatest achievement that Legolas fulfilled during his tenure as my tutor was teaching me to recognise my ignorance, his teaching made me realise the utter impossibility of knowledge.” This theory of ignorance profoundly influenced the views of Alexandros throughout his life. As a young man, however, Alexandros was widely disliked by his peers and considered to be strange. This led to rejection from his schoolmates. This prompted him to spend almost all of his time in the school library. After he had read every book in the school library, he proceeded to reading the books within the national library. After years of pondering and solitude, Alexandros released his first book called: “The Elven Predicament” on his 18th year. This book garnered massive controversy due to its scathing critiques of the idea of “high and low culture” and the criticism of the various wars that have been fought with the other Elven races in the past. This marked him as unpatriotic and as an enemy of the state. He was exiled to the eastern outer islands of Arcas. The time he spent in the outer islands was a crucial time in his life and contributed to his cynical and nihilistic views. As he describes in his books “Pain and Suffering” and “The Nature of Existence and Meaning” he arrived on the islands with all of his wealth and honour stripped away from him. He was also rejected by the Elven communities on the islands. He describes how he went through a period of intense despair and longing to die. This pondering and intense despair led to the conclusion that life was meaningless and that it was not worth living. He developed an attitude of pessimism and exhaustion. However, on his 29th year, he came to a stunning revelation. He realised that the despair that he experienced was being brought about by his fear of absolute freedom and his refusal to embrace the absurdity of it all. This idea was further developed in “The Nature of Existence and Meaning” and was summed up in the revolutionary idea that “Existence Precedes Essence”. This brought in a sense of optimism and encouraged Alexandros to apply for clemency when he turned 31. The clemency was rejected four times before finally being accepted when Alexandros turned 38. After his clemency was granted, Alexandros moved back to Lareh'thilln and wrote his book “Two Decades in Solitude”. This book proved to be a bestseller around Arcas. After writing his book, Alexandros decided to leave Lareh'thilln and travel around the world to spread his philosophy and gain knowledge.
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