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Everything posted by ItzLuke123

  1. ItzLuke123


    Greyson lived with his Father and Grandfather after his Mother died at the age of 3. Greyson and his family lived in The City of Rubern and survived by keeping an optimistic outlook. His father taught him how to hunt in the wilderness and use a bow and arrow. His Grandfather was unusually harsh on him, he would verbally and physically abuse him. A trauma that still affects him a little to this day. His Grandfather taught him how to be resourceful and be quick on his feet because he knew of what this harsh world had in store for him. However, his father would die a horrific death from a pack of Amber Wolves while traveling to a neighboring settlement. His body would later be found with acid marks and mutilation. The unfortunate event would leave Greyson to have a phobia of Amber wolves. The death of Greyson's father would leave only him and his Grandfather. Greyson would run away from his home town and use his hunting skills to make a living off of selling his quarry to merchants, shopkeepers, and to whoever hires him.
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