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    Dan ?#5808
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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Boudicca Glozier
  • Character Race
    Farfolk Human

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  1. Glozier


    Boudicca was born to a family of hard working, blue-collar Farfolk with Rassid heritage. Whilst born outside of Arcas and the realm, Boudicca and his family like to refer to the water as their home, due to their chosen trade being fishing and working on ships and at ports. The joy the family feel from travelling the sea, feeling the ocean-spray on their sun-kissed skin, whilst watching the beautiful Alabaster Seabirds gracefully glide in the sky, there was no other life better than that to the family. Boudicca has spent more time sleeping whilst floating above the ocean, darting from Shi to Kardasi to Melle, than he has on ground. The Glozier family are a happy, loving and jolly bunch who all value hard work and that ethic runs in the family, with everybody contributing where they need to. This is the only life Boudicca has ever known, and whilst he is grateful, he is not settled. On his travels in his teens, Boudicca met and built a strong friendship with a fellow Farfolk named Kale. Kale did not have a family like Boudicca and the two were polar-opposites in personality, but the instant chemistry between the duo was undeniable. Kale told Boudicca of his plans to find solace in Arcas and the duo maintained contact for several years thereafter. After much convincing and the opportunity to reinvent himself, Boudicca bid his family farewell and made tracks to Arcas to reunite with Kale and forge his own path.
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