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Everything posted by Tiamansquare

  1. Tiamansquare


    Velrik was born to a small family of three; his father, mother, and older brother. His father was never a kind man to the family he created, instead opting to drunkenly argue with his own wife and throw valuable properties around their small hovel of a home. Velrik’s brother decided enough was enough after the biggest fight they had seen yet, he ran away from their home with a small toddler Velrik in his arms. Sadly, their mother was left to take all the abuse. Velrik and his brother lived on the streets of Urguan for many years, living off the tiny scraps the tavern owner would give them and drinking from the wells outside the underground. One day, Velrik’s brother succumbed to an unknown disease he picked up from petting a rat. Quite obviously, beardling Velrik was distraught, he decided that he shouldn’t live on the streets anymore thinking them too dangerous for his health. He asked the warden about joining the underealm’s legion of fighters, he was promptly accepted and given free training until he was no longer a beardling. He never received any education within the legion. After his 80th birthday, Velrik decided to learn about his cave dwarf roots. He soon found out about the betrayer Khorvad, somehow the dwed found this God to be much more honourable than others of his race believed. Soon after finding a love for this daemon, Velrik was approached by a mysterious cave dwarf. The dwed told Velrik of a new settlement deep within the snowy mountains, a place were fellow cave dwarfs live to worship their patron, Khorvad. Excited over this new information, Velrik followed the dwed to this settlement and soon became a warrior for them. He lives there now, learning new fighting techniques under their leader, drinking in their small tavern and flirting with the ladies unsuccessfully.
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