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    Perrin Tosscobble
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  1. Muskrat1045


    Perrin Tosscobble grew up in the halfling settlement of Brandybrook. He was a strange child, one day he stole someones priceless heirloom vase, when asked about why, he replied that he was interested in the pretty patterns. As he became older he grew out of some of his stranger habits, but he still stood out like a sore thumb among the other children, and he seemed deeply unhappy with his life in Brandybrook. When he turned 30, his parents decided that their “unique” child needed a change of scenery and lifestyle to set him straight. He was sent off to travel with his uncle Barnabas, a travelling merchant. In the 3 years he spent with Barnabas he learned to be crafty, Perrin had always been introverted, but his uncle was able to teach him how to put on a jovial persona to make people feel more inclined to spend money. He also learned to be cautious, he learned from his uncle how to spot the clumsily laid traps of the bandits that plagued the road. He also learned self defense, he is still no warrior and prefers not to get into fights, but when he does he will employ every dirty trick in the book. When his tenure with Barnabas was over and he turned 33, Perrin set out to become his own self sufficient merchant and make a fortune that he could later send back to his family.
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