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About Billii_Smith

  • Birthday December 14

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  • Character Name
    Madeleine Ann Osborne
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  1. Billii_Smith


    Madeleine Ann Osborne was born in Helena, The Capital Of Holy Orenian Empire. Madeleine lived with only her mother Maddison, as her father Lenard has been missing ever since he left an early morning to go meet a “friend”. Madeleine lived an oddly peaceful life, it wasn’t a poor nor rich life but it was enough for young Madeleine. Though.. As a child Madeleine always found herself, alone. Her mother never truly had time for the girl and Madeleine didn’t have siblings nor friends. So, one day. Madeleine left home at the young age of 12 to go find herself just what she wanted. An adventure! Madeleine always dreamed of becoming a warrior like her father was said to be! Though.. Madeleine didn’t quite find the adventure she was looking for. Instead she found a brutal sight behind her own home. There was a man.. And another man. But the other man was down on the ground, crawling away as he begged for his life. The man standing, dressed in a mask and the attire of a bandit, a monster. Madeleine found herself in tears at the sight, she was too young to view such a scene. The young girl ran as fast as she could. back inside her home. Her mother was sat on the stairs, knitting a scarf together for the young girl. Madeleine would rush over to her mother, explaining what happened as her mother continued to knit the scarf. Her mother only sighed and sadly chuckled at her tall tale. She shook her head and slowly wrapped the newly knitted red scarf around Madeleine. “Maddy, dont be scared of men like that. Be a warrior like your father, charge in and join in the battle! Dont dread those things sweetheart.” Madeleine took those old words to heart, you’d think that’d get her killed. But by now? Madeleine is fearless, adventurous woman! By remembering what her mother told her that day, Madeleine became a woman that was willing to rush into battle without a second thought, and urge others to do the same. She now tends to settle in Curon. Finding its fair share of different races to be interesting to observe, but the real reason she prefers to settle there more often is to learn of their culture and history, such as The Order Of Urus, a mystery she heard of from an old friend that she met on her travels.
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