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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Aelia Arbane
  • Character Race
    Dark Elf

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  1. Enyeaman


    Born in Caras Sylvadrim to well off merchants(mother dying in childbirth), from the Onyx Sanctum, Aelia was tutored and received swordsmanship training from her father in an effort to preserve and honour their ancestors memory and ancient teachings. Aelia was a bright but ruinous attitude to learning and as a result never learned to work well in a team – not counting manipulating her allies. Aelia grew proud and complacent earning the ire of her peers. At age 20 her only friend a Wood Elf named Davyus a fellow successful student disappeared mysteriously. Still emotionally scarred Aelia refuses to get close to anyone behind a wall of sarcasm and comedy she deflects any serious comments. Aelia loved history lessons from her teacher and was planning on becoming a travelling merchant. However at age 52 her father was betrayed following a business contract resulting in his death and bankrupting of her family but without solid proof she believes it links to Davyus' disapperance due to an iron bearing a bow and arrow being found at her father’s house when he died and at Davyus’ house when he disappeared. Thus Aelia began her life on the road. Aelia is known in a few taverns she frequents for her well regarded singing voice. Utilising her family’s sword techniques taught by her father she’s capable of travelling and performing light mercernary work for pay. One day she hopes to be captain of her own vessel and set sail from Aegrothond’s harbour. After avenging her father of course.
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