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  1. Korgi


    Korgius was born in Haense. He was the son of a merchant, a somewhat wealthy background. It was a simple childhood for Korgius who loved the outdoors, but schooldays kept him busy. This continued to bother him until his late adolescence. It was during his time as a student that a call of arms was signaled. He joined the army in Haense and fought in the fought during the AIS/Morsgrad. This was an immense trial as life would take him from a humble student and son of a merchant to soldier. Afterwards, Korgius left soldier duty and decided to continue the legacy of his household. He pursued the work of his father as a merchant and look for paths to advance his interest. This is how Korgius found himself after the late events. Being 22 of age, Korgius will struggle to establish himself alone after his father had been dead for some time.
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