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Everything posted by Clinanthese

  1. Clinanthese


    Born to a family of struggling human merchants in Umbar, the man who now calls himself Eloise Warren, was brought kicking and screaming into the world under the name Elmondt Turningval. The Turningvals were a neglectful bunch of folk, seeking only material gain even to the detriment of others, often willingly imparting hardships onto those unfortunate enough to cross paths with them. Elmondt, having stopped growing at age 15, standing at little more than 5’4”, was considered a runt for the entirety of his young life by his snide father Johnathan, and his mother Annabeth, who took every opportunity to remind him of his short stature. The relentless teasing was only compounded by their dismissal of him in all other aspects but his ability to work. They exploited him for free labor from the moment he could stand, forcing him to fix leaky roofs, broken wagon wheels, and anythign else they’d rather not be forced to spend any of their precious gold on. Until, that is, they secretly bartered him off to a band of Corsairs for a sum of gold at age 18. Suffering in slavery for 2 long years, Elmondt at last escaped their charge whilst they were distracted by an attacking ship, making it to shore in a stolen long boat. Since then he has changed his name to Eloise Warren, after spending his first night in the eroded remains of a rabbits warren, and has sought to free anyone he can from the shackles of abuse, neglect, and slavery.
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