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Everything posted by Shyghed

  1. Shyghed


    shyghed was born into a rich and powerful family that never really paid much attention to him and always managed to be the one who was talked down upon the most when he was in school learning the arts of combat he accidently hurt one of his bully's when he was in a sparing class and was put on trial for attempted murder even though he didn't even try the judge then sentenced him to 15 years in jail on the 10th year he managed to escape with a group of fugitives and they moved out to the contrary side were they lived off the land in those few years shyghed got to know the rest of his group and they became friends until some gaurds found them but shyghed managed to escape but the others were taken back to jail to serve a life sentence but shyghed still remained at the camp and now he lives among the trees were he calls home (heres the ancient lore btw idk were to put it) The most widely accepted account of the origins of Aegis comes from the writings of the Wandering Wizard. Below is The Wandering Wizard's Chronicles of the Ancient History, written in the second seed of year 84 at the Cloud Temple of Aegis. Many are skeptical of everything written in these chronicles, as the Wandering Wizard was discovered to also trick and hide information from the mortals.
  2. Shyghed


    Shyghed was born in a rich and powerful family, his parents didn't really pay much attention to him cause they were fed up with themselves going out and partying at fancy diners and bars. Shyghed grew up tp be a full trained shinobi (ninja). At the age 15 he joined a clan called “The Shinobi Clan” they were a group of ninjas that always manage to steal and cause havoc, but they don't mean to its just in there gens. And now hes always managing to get into some kind of trouble, either its stealing or going into places were he shouldn't be. He was trained by the elder of the clan Sense keeth who trained him in the ways of the shinobi clan, like learning to be stealthy and sneaky also training him in the art of combat such as swords axes daggers katanas bows and other forms of weaponry. Now at age 21 hes getting to do a lot more stuff within the shinobi clan such as more dangerous missions and other forms of stealth type missions. (heres the lore btw don’t know we’re to put it tho) it’s ancient lore btw The most widely accepted account of the origins of Aegis comes from the writings of the Wandering Wizard. Below is The Wandering Wizard's Chronicles of the Ancient HistoryThe most widely accepted account of the origins of Aegis comes from the writings of the Wandering Wizard. Below is The Wandering Wizard's Chronicles of the Ancient History
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